The Poem Section(कविता अनुभाग)

“शहीद की अंतिम यात्रा” is a Hindi poignant poem that narrates the final journey of a martyr, encapsulating themes of sacrifice, bravery, and honor.

“मुझे प्यार हुआ था” is a Poetic journey delving into the depths of the heart, expressing the hues, voices, and emotions of love. 


“IIBM में जिंदगी”  describes the corridors of IIBM College, echoes the story of our  friendship, laughter, and struggles.

“हां.. हैं हम एगो बिहारी” is a Poetic reflection on the rich tapestry of  Bihar, capturing its essence  vivid imagery, cultural  and its people. 

“तेरी मुस्कुराहटें” is a love-filled Poem. It beautifully captures the elegance of  smile, the sweetness , and narrates the story of  love.

“MY College Days” is My First English Poem. It  reminiscing about the joys, challenges, and unforgettable moments experienced during College Days.

“सुन जिंदगी”  delves into the struggles and hardships faced in Life , while also expressing resilience and a desire for peace and solace.


“बिहारी सैनिक और छठ” is a poem dedicated to the bravery of Bihari Soldiers and the sacred festival of Chhath Puja. It glorifies their courage and devotion to छठी मईया.


“पहला पग” captures the poignant emotions of a young Boy  leaving First Time behind the Comfort of home, beloved parents, cherished friends, Pretty Village and other relations.


“आजादी दिवस”reflects on the paradox of Independence Day in India . It serves as a poignant reminder of the ongoing struggle for true freedom and social justice in the country.


“शायद हार गया”   delves into the emotional turmoil of distance and separation, conveying the pain of losing someone 


“केवट के राम” is a poem that portrays the unwavering devotion of Kewat towards Lord Ram. It depicts the selflessness, dedication, and reverence of Kewat towards his beloved  Raghav.

“बेरोजगारी में इश्क…”   narrates the story of an individual who navigates the pursuit of love amidst the challenges of unemployment, finding hope, courage, and inspiration to chart a new direction in life.

“बदलाव(जिम्मेदारियों से नादानियों की ओर) depicts the evolving lifestyle of a sister after marriage. It portrays the colors, shapes, and emotions of her new life.


वो चश्मिश है मेरी  emphasizes the significance of unrequited love and the deep emotional connection to someone beloved. it’s a poignant tribute to a relationship that exists in the realm of dreams and memories.

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